Exploring Faith
Most of us at various times in our life, wonder ‘is there more to life than the things that we do every day?’ Many people feel that something is missing in their lives, a restless feeling inside and, try as they might, they haven’t found what they’re looking for.
Trying to be a nice person or simply going to church doesn’t make you a Christian. The Christian life is primarily about a lived relationship with God through Jesus Christ and, sharing that relationship with other Christians, seeking to deepen that relationship and live a life that is consistent with the way that Jesus taught.

Central to that relationship is knowing we can trust God.
How do we know that ‘God is for us’? Because Jesus Christ, the one human being who is completely in tune with God – with what God wants and what God is doing – has carried the burden of our human failure. He has let himself be betrayed and rejected, executed in a humiliating and agonising way, and yet has not turned his back on us. Death did not succeed in silencing him or removing him from the world. We believe he is alive; and that means that his love is alive, having survived the worst we can do.
Nothing can separate us from this love. But this isn’t an excuse for doing what we like, knowing we can get away with it. Once we know that God is ‘for us’, we open up to the gift that God wants to give us – which is a share in his own love and freedom and mercy. We breathe with his breath – that’s part of what it means to say that we receive God’s ‘Spirit’, which makes us live like Jesus ‘in tune’ with God.
If we have really taken the message in, we shall live lives of selfless generosity, always asking how the gifts given us – material or imaginative or spiritual or whatever – can be shared in a way that brings other people more fully alive. And we shall be able to trust the generosity of others and be free to receive what they have to give us.
If you would like to explore Christian faith, please make contact with us or come along on a Sunday morning. We would love to help you discover more.