Messy Church
This bi-monthly event is open to all and is particularly suitable for families. We do church, but differently. There is not a lot of sitting still listening (although we do have to do some). What there is is lots of joining in and experiencing, making and doing, fun and fellowship with a healthy dose of food thrown in! The usual pattern is crafts and activities followed by a short form of worship/praise/storytelling then we sit and eat a meal together.
We meet at 3pm on the third Saturday of every other month (February, April, June, August, October, December)
If you can’t make Sunday mornings, but you still want to know about God, give our Messy church a try.
If you want to know more visit our Coxheath Benefice Kids Facebook page or contact Becky on 07949 646865 for more information
Upcoming Sessions
- Messy Easter at Linton on 16/04/2025 3:00 pm