Mothers’ Union
Coxheath Area Branch
Check out our Face Book page for latest news from our local branch and national and international items, too!
Our story
One of the first women-led organisations, transforming lives around the corner and around the world since 1876.
Together we are stronger
Join our four-million strong movement to:
- Strengthen communities all over the world
- Help the most disadvantaged at home
- Shape how we advocate for the rights of families
- Build supportive, loving relationships
- Develop your own relationship with God
Mothers’ Union today
The movement today is made up of hundreds of individual Mothers’ Union charities spread across 83 countries, making up four million members worldwide. Mothers’ Union is unique in that members work together to solve challenges in their local communities. By helping to restore and strengthen relationships in families and communities, the movement gives a sense of belonging and purpose.
There is more information at the bottom of this page.
Upcoming Meetings and Events
Our monthly meetings will be as follows:
- Coxheath Area Mothers’ Union on 16/04/2025 12:00 pm
- Coxheath Area Mothers’ Union on 21/05/2025 12:00 pm
- Coxheath Area Mothers’ Union on 18/06/2025 12:00 pm
- Coxheath Area Mothers’ Union on 16/07/2025 12:00 pm
- Coxheath Area Mothers’ Union on 20/08/2025 12:00 pm
- Coxheath Area Mothers’ Union on 17/09/2025 12:00 pm
Meetings are held in member’s homes at 12 o’clock midday and includes a bring and share lunch.
Contact Lesley on 07814 817204 or Margaret on 07729176762 for venue
or email
Corporate Communion, 1st Thursday in the month at 10am, followed by coffee in Coxheath Café.
Soup on Sunday dates
- Soup on Sunday at Holy Trinity Coxheath on 11/05/2025 12:15 pm
- Soup on Sunday at Holy Trinity Coxheath on 13/07/2025 12:15 pm
- Soup on Sunday at Holy Trinity Coxheath on 14/09/2025 12:15 pm
In 2024 Mothers’ Union members contributed to many different projects.
One was a community project, tea boxes for the elderly and vulnerable adults in the villages, by making 130 heart decorations, supplying serviettes and baking cakes for the boxes.Knitting for Pembury Neo Natal unit is ongoing when the items are needed.We handed out Mothering Sunday bookmarks at the church services and supported an Easter community project making bunnies and chicks to decorate the village.In June we helped knit teddy bears and food for a Teddy Bear Picnic display at the local library.In July we had a stall at the Village Fete to raise awareness of the work of the Mothers’ Union and we held a Strawberry Tea in the church as unfortunately we were unable to use the green around the church at that time. On that day Mary Margaret Yates, our Diocesan President, attended the church service prior to the tea and presented us with a Bronze Award for our work in the RISE UP (against domestic abuse) campaign. The branch had purchased goods and had donations from the church congregation, to make Moving In and Moving On Packages that were delivered to OASIS, a local charity that supports victims of Domestic Abuse. In September 45 Bags of Love were delivered to two of the local primary schools and members helped make Back to School figures for our post box. In November members helped to make poppies and Remembrance figures for the post box.On 30th November Global Day of Activism there was no service at the Cathedral so members met outside Holy Trinity Church at 1.03pm to reflect on the 1 in 3 women affected by domestic abuse. Jenny Beany was invited to this month’s meeting and gave a very informative talk about the work she does at Rochester Prison. More knitting was done in December with Advent figures for the post box and Nativity figures for the library.We always look forward to engaging with our local community and helping families in whatever way we can. IF YOU WOULD YOU LIKE TO FIND OUT MORE PLEASE CONTACT |
Mothers’ Union Prayer Loving Lord, We thank you for your love so freely given to us all. We pray for families around the world.Bless the work of the Mothers’ Union as we seek to share your love through the encouragement, strengthening and support of marriage and family life. Empowered by your spirit, may we be united in prayer and worship and in love and service reach out as your hands across the world. In Jesus’ name. Amen |
History: The name ‘Mothers’ Union’ does sound rather old fashioned to us in this country BUT we are a thriving organisation of over 4 million members worldwide and the name is very important to some of our overseas members. We are Christians who care about our communities; we care about family life; we want to show God’s love for all in whatever way we can. The Mothers’ Union was founded in 1876 by Mary Sumner; by 1909 it had become the largest voluntary women’s organisation in Britain; in 1952 the Queen became our Patron; and, by 2000 we were given consultative status within the United Nations on issues such as poverty. Our charter and constitution were updated in 2018 to be fit for the 21st century. You can find out more here: |
The Patron of the worldwide Mothers’ Union is usually the Archbishop of Canterbury. Justin Welby praised the Mothers’ Union’s work, calling it “the heart and love of the Church”. We await the appointment of the next Archbishop.
The Patron of Rochester Diocese Mothers’ Union: Jonathan Gibbs, Bishop of Rochester.
In 1897 Queen Victoria became the Patron of the Mothers’ Union. Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II was our Royal Patron for all of her reign. Our new Royal Patron has been announced as the Sophie, Duchess of Edinburgh.